Thursday, July 31, 2008


I couldn't wait for a whole week to share with you what I have been learning AND have learned so far on this journey.

1) God will give me the victory if I will just learn His ways and follow in His paths.

2) He above all wants me to succeed in this journey.

3) I have to have, known boundaries in my life where my eating is concerned.

4) I have to realize that my limitations may be different and probably are, than those of others.

5) I have to depend on the Lord for my strength.

6) God has given me all that I need to succeed.

7) He has given me a great support system in my husband and all of you. Thank you!!

8) I need to learn more discipline in this area of my life.

9) I need to learn to be patient and to know that failing at times, does not make me a failure but " QUITTING." does.

10)I need to learn to be content with what ever happens when I have done my very
best. I can't see what is going on inside my body and what it may be doing to help me along the journey.

11)I need to be more thankful for the pounds that I do lose, and not waste time regretting those that I did not lose.

12)I need to be content with my efforts if they have been pleasing to God, whatever the results .

13)I need to remain consistant in my efforts, and not on one week and off another. If I want a break then take a break just don't eat like a pig when I do.

14)I need to not place undue pressure on myself over weighing, losses, gains, food preparation, etc.

15)I need to not be ashamed or afraid to ask for help when I do need it, which is

16) I should not weigh EVERY week or every few days. I need to weigh when I feel like it. One day can make a lot of
difference. I need to know that that 2 pounds may be the pickle or some other salty food that I ate the night before. It does not mean the world has come to an end and I am the biggest failure of all. It simply means that for some reason my body has chosen to retain more water than usual.

17) My first goal is to feel well and happy not frustrated and anxious over what I am
having on my diet. What ever God has given to me, then I will be content.

18) I refuse to think about food, meal preparation, diet, weight, etc. all the time. I will listen to good music, read an uplifting book, the Bible first of all, go for a walk in the sunshine, make a plan to show my husband that I love him in a special way.

19) I will relax and enjoy life and not make Food my god. I have the One and True God.

20) I will thank God each day for the victory He is giving to me, has given me in the past and wants to give me in the future, if I will have faith and trust Him. This too shall pass and even though for me, food will always be a problem or at least the way that I use food, it need not control me and my life.

I have started on the Rotation Diet. I have studied the book and I feel it may be just what I need. It is not so strict in the foods that you can eat and yet their is system to doing it. It gives you the food you need to eat and a big variety. Foods that I am familiar with along with guidelines and recipes to go along with the plan. I can see how it will work and it is a healthy diet for someone also with my health problems. I have come to understand that all of us are different and we need to find something that works for us.

I don't expect miracles, but I do expect progress as I do my part. I know that I still have much to learn and I will share with you if you are interested.

I have never heard much about this program before so it is very new to me. I have been on it for three days and I am very satisfied with the results.

When I get down to 200 pounds, I will post a new picture. connie


I wish you a day of ordinary miracles--
A fresh pot of coffee you didn't have to make yourself.
An unexpected phone call from an old friend.
Green stoplights on your way to work or shop.
I wish you a day of little things to rejoice in....
The fastest line in the grocery store.
A good sing along song on the radio.
Your keys right where you look.
I wish you a day of happiness and perfection---
little bite-size pieces of perfection
that the Lord is smiling on you, holding you so gentle,
because you are someone special and rare.
I wish you a day of peace, Happiness and joy.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person,
an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them,
but then an entire life to forget them.
I'm sending this to you because you are
SPECIAL to me....
It's a short message to let you know
That I'm thinking of you today...
and that I appreciate OUR friendship
Today.... I wish you enough!!
author unknown

Monday, July 21, 2008


We have a Shepherd today. He has provided all that we need to succeed in this weight loss journey. We can overcome in any trial if we are in His will. He wants to be our guide even in this hard journey. He makes a way of escape in the temptations that come to us daily. He make the way, we just have to want to find it.

There hath NO TEMPTATION taken you but such as in common to man: but GOD IS FAITHFUL, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able: but will with the temptation also MAKE A WAY TO ESCAPE, THAT YE MAY BE ABLE TO BEAR IT.

YEA, THOUGH I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH------. If we die to SELF in this matter of appetite, He is with us. God Almighty, not just a friend across the way but the One who made us. What do we really have to fear? In my heart, I know this. In my head when I see the "cake, fried chicken" I may question. The answer is NOTHING OR NO ONE. Yet, in our on human weakness, we do. Each day in our lives there come the dark places that we must pass through. They are called, living, disappointments, loneliness, fear, etc. Yet, you and I need to remember, We have the Great Shepherd going with us on this journey. WE CAN MAKE IT! We have to trust Him, do our part and HE WILL GIVE US THE VICTORY!! It is during the time that we spend in this valley, He has given us a great tool but much better than a fork. He has given us the ability to PRAY. He hears and answers us. JEREMIAH 33:3---CALL UNTO ME, AND I WILL ANSWER THEE, AND SHEW THEE GREAT AND MIGHT THINGS, WHICH THOU KNOWEST NOT.

THY ROD AND THY STAFF THEY COMFORT ME. The earthly shepherd always carried a rod, which he used in protection of his sheep. If the wild animals came, he would use it to run them off or whatever needed to be done for his sheep's protection. He also carried a staff. The staff is very long with the end turned into a crook. When the
sheep would lose their footing and slip down the mountain side, he would take the staff and reach down and place the crook around their bodies and lift them back up to safety and his protection. He is "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think."

THOU PREPAREST A TABLE BEFORE ME---------.The earthly shepherd would always check over the ground that he was about to take his sheep on to see if there were any poisonous plants or sharp thorns that could hurt one of his sheep. If he found any he would remove them. He was preparing their table. My daughter-in-law, Michelle, is always pulling up the weeds that grow in her gardens. She does this not because she likes to pull weeds, No, she does it to protect her growing plants. We have this promise, "FOR WHOSOEVER IS BORN OF GOD OVERCOMETH THE WORLD. 1John 5:4a

HE ANOINTEST MY HEAD WITH OIL-----.Sometimes despite the earthly shepherd's careful preparations, the sheep would get scratched by a sharp stone or thorn. As the sheep would come to the sheepfold, the shepherd would carefully check them over one by one and apply the soothing oil where it was needed.

Sometimes we get hurt, disappointed, feel lonely and unloved even forsaken by our earthly loved ones and friends but our Great Shepherd knows us. See in the previous verse it is very personal......"MY HEAD." He knows the needs that each of us have that are ours alone. He know the needs that we have that others also may have. He takes care of us on a one on one basis.

Tomorrow, when you come to a hard place in your day, remember our Great Shepherd. He wants to help us. He wants to take care of our wounds, our failures, our disappointment. He loves us.

The verses where a place is not listed which I am sure you already know came from the 23rd Psalm.

I have been praying over a new way to try to have some help with my weight loss. When I make my decision and see that it is going to work safely. I will tell you about it. It is just healthy eating but in a certain way. Please pray for me that it will help me to do what I need to do and to do safely. Thanks so much.connie

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


In this life, we are always having to make choices. Though some are not easy. If we do nothing, we have made a choice. So, we have to prayerfully consider, think what God has said and then act according.

Here are Just two such choices--Which one will you take???


My appetite is my shepherd, I always want.
It maketh me sit down and stuff myself.
It leadeth me to my refrigerator repeatedly, sometimes during the night.
It leadeth me in the path of Burger King for a Whopper
It destroyeth my shape.
Yea, though I knoweth I gaineth, I will not stop eating.
for the food tasteth so good.
The ice cream and the cookies, they comfort me.
When the table is spread before me, it exciteth me.
For I knoweth that I sooneth shall dig in.
As I filleth my plate continuously. My clothes runneth smaller.
Surely bulges and pudgies shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I shall be "pleasingly pump" forever.

I don't know who wrote this poem.

Now here is your choice, the way before or this way!



I will post again about this subject when I next post but please consider your two choices today. It doesn't have to be one of undisciplined behaviour even though that has often been my way over the years in this area of my life but it can be with the outlook that "THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HATH MADE; WE WILL REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT. PSALM 118:24. If God made this day and He is our Great Shepherd, He will give us all that we need to get through it with victory!!! We can make the right choice. connie

P.S. I feel the need to tell you that I write these kind of post because this is what I need and it is the failures that I have had. If in the process there is something here that is a benefit to one of you then I am happy. But I know what I need. I am probably older, much older than any of you, I have made many mistakes and have purposely over eaten at times in my life for which I am very sorry, now. I hope that my failures can keep you from going there and doing that. You are all young for the most part, you need to take care of your bodies, they will not take care of themselves. It is just like a child it will do what feel good, what looks good, what is good, without giving a thought to the effects of what they might eat over time. So God gave them parents. We have the Lord, if we would just listen to Him and do what He has told us to do, and use the power that He has given to us, if we are saved by His blood, then we will be alright. If we choose not to follow His ways on this journey then we will have high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, diabetes,etc. I know, I have been there.

Thursday, July 10, 2008



He knows it all--the winding path,
The sky o'er cast and grey,
The steepness of the mountainside,
The roughness of the way.

He knows it all--the haunting fear,
The doubtings that distress
And all the strain and stress.

He knows it all--each troubled thought,
Each anxious wave of care,
And every burden, every grief,
Or cross that thou dost bear.

He knows it all--thy weight of woe,
Thine often tear--dimmed eye,
The stabbing pain, the slow, dull ache,
And sorrow's broken cry.

He knows it all--but His to choose,
And thine to take His choice!
He knows it all! He planned it so!
Then trust Him, and rejoice!

E. Margaret Clarkson

This is one of those battles in life that I don't ever think that I will be able to come here and report that I had an easy time. I sometimes wish that I could but I have been at this a very long time and I have not been able to say it even once. I have had some very good losses before but they did not come without a lot of prayer and discipline. It did not come easy. Sometimes I wonder why it can't be easy for me. I see others eat all they seemly want and never seem to gain a pound. I see those who gain a few pounds and then get it off quickly. I see the way some eat and people who are always going and doing. I ask myself why wasn't I born like this?

Foolish questions, I might add. God made me this way. He know my every strength and weakness. I have it harder, or at least it seems harder to me, because I must have needed the harder way to keep my eyes on the Lord. I might have forgotten where my strength comes from if I had, had it easy in this area of my life. I might have gotten puffed up and believed that I had stayed at a healthy weight out of my own will and strength. I don't have the answers but I know He knows it all. He know the winding path that I have taken my whole life through. He know the hard climbs that I have had. How that sometimes, I succeed and sometimes I fail when I don't lean on Him, and find myself going off my own way and doing it my way. I know that He knows how hard it is for me in this area of my life. He knows the fear that I have in failing. He knows the stresses and strains my over eating has put on my life. He know my every sorrow with each failure and yet He raises me up again to try once more. He knows the weight on my heart that my bad example is to me. He knows the tears that I have shed over this, knowing that I have influenced my children and Grandchildren and friends with my example. He hears my cries of sorrow and gives me all that I need to try once again. He lays my life in front of me for me to chose. Sometimes, I make very good choices in this area and rejoice and sometimes when I fail, I cry and ask God to forgive my sin and He always does. He gives me friends like you to encourage me to keep on going and for all these things I am thankful. connie

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Donna's fourth-grade classroom looked like many others I had seen in the past. Students sat in five rows of six desks. The teacher's desk was in the front and faced the students. The bulletin board featured student work. In most respects it appeared to be a typically traditional elementary classroom. Yet, something seemed different that day I entered it for the first time. There seemed to be an undercurrent of excitement.

Donna was a veteran small-town Michigan school teacher only two years away from retirement. In addition, she was a volunteer participant in a countywide development project I had organized and facilitated. The training focused on language arts ideas that would empower students to feel good about them and take charge of their lives. Donna's job was to attend training sessions and implement the concepts presented. My job was to make classroom visitations and encourage implementation.

I took an empty seat in the back and watched. All the students were working on a task, filling a sheet of notebook paper with thoughts and ideas. The ten-year-old student closest to me was filling her page with
"I can't kick the soccer ball pass second base."
"I can't do long division with more than three numbers."
"I can't get Debbie to like me."

Her page was half full and she showed no signs of letting up. She worked on with determination and persistence.
I walked down the row glancing at students' papers. Everyone was writing sentences, describing things they couldn't do.
"I can't do ten pushups."
"I can't hit over the left-field fence."
"I can't eat only one cookie."

By this time, the activity engaged my curiosity, so I decided to check with the teacher to see what was going on. As I approached her, I noticed that she too was busy writing. I felt it best not to interrupt.
"I can't get John's mother to come in for a teacher conference."
"I can't get my daughter to put gas in the car."
"I can't get Alan to use words instead of fists."

Thwarted in my efforts to determine why students and teacher were dwelling on the negative instead of the positive statements, I returned to my seat and continued my observations. Students wrote for ten minutes. Most filled their page. Some started another.
"Finish the one you're on and don't start a new one," were the instructions Donna used to signal the end of the activity. Students were then instructed to fold their papers in half and bring them to the front. When students reached the desk, they placed their statements into an empty shoe box.

When all of the student papers were collected, Donna added hers. She put the lid on the box, tucked it under her arm and headed out the door and down the hall. Students followed the teacher. I followed the students.
Halfway down the hall the procession stopped. Donna entered the custodian's room, rummaged around and came out with a shovel. Shovel in one hand, shoebox in the other, Donna marched the students out of the school to the farthest corner of the playground. There they began to dig.

They were going to bury their .The digging took over ten minutes because most of the fourth graders wanted a turn. When the hole approached three-foot deep, the digging ended. The box of "I Cant's" was placed at the bottom of the hole and quickly covered with dirt.
Thirty-one 10- and 11- years -olds stood around the freshly dug gravesite. Each had at least one page full of "I Cant's" in the shoebox, three-feet under. So did their teacher.

At this point Donna announced, "Boys and girls, please join hands and bow your heads." The students complied. They quickly formed a circle around the grave, creating a bond with their hands. They lowered their heads and waited. Donna delivered the eulogy.
"Friends, we gather today to honor the memory of . While he was with us on earth, he touched the lives of everyone, some more than others. His name, unfortunately, has been spoken in every public building - schools, city halls, and state capitols and yes, even The White House.

We have provided with a final resting place and headstone that contains his epitaph. He is survived by his brothers and sisters, "I can," "I will" and "I'm going to Right Away." They are not as well known as their famous relative and are certainly not as strong and powerful yet. Perhaps someday, with your help, they will make and even bigger mark on the world. May rest in peace and may everyone present pick up their lives and move forward in his absence. Amen."

As I listened to the eulogy I realized that these students would never forget this day. The activity was symbolic, a metaphor for life. It was a right-brain experience that would stick in the unconscious and conscious mind forever.
Writing "I Cant's," burying them and hearing the eulogy. That was a major effort on the part of this teacher. And she wasn't done yet. At the conclusion of the eulogy she turned the students around, marched them back into the classroom and held a wake.

They celebrated the passing of with cookies, popcorn and fruit juices. Donna cut out a tombstone from butcher paper. She wrote the words at the top and put RIP in the middle the date was added at the bottom, "3/28/80."

The paper tombstone hung in Donna's classroom for the remainder of the year. On those rare occasions when a student forgot and said, , Donna simply pointed to the RIP sign. The student then remembered that was dead and chose to rephrase the statement.

I wasn't one of Donna's students. She was one of mine. Yet that day I learned an enduring lesson from her.
Now, years later, whenever I hear the phrase, , I see images of that fourth-grade funeral. Like the students, I remember that is dead.

Author unknown

Today as I sit here typing this post, I have been tempted to say, "I Can't." I believe that God led me to this story.

I sometimes get tired of trying but know that I have to continue on. Sometimes when it get hard, I am tempted to say, "But Lord, it is so hard, I can't." Then He reminds me in a gentle way that "I can." He has told me often that I can do all thing through Christ who strengthed me. I know God does not lie. So, I accept that I can. He has not promised me easy roads to travel or every day to be a sunny one, but he has promised me that He would be with me and He will never forsake me. He has promised me strength to keep from falling, a way of escape in times of temptation and He has promised to love and forgive me when I do fail, if I only ask.

This has been a hard week for me. I started out with so many plans and I wanted to rush the progress that I was making. It turned out that this was not the week to achieve a big loss on the scale. I did remain the same, I want to be content and happy about that but I was not. I wanted to say, "I can't."

I believe that I will have a funeral of my own. When that word comes back to my vocabulary, I will remember that it is a word that is dead to me. So today, I know that I can, I will and I am on my way to another week of praying, watching, trying and with God's help overcoming. connie

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Have a happy 4th of July and remember those who gave that we might have freedom and liberty. connie