Wednesday, November 19, 2008


ASHAMED MEANS; Feeling shame, guilt, or disgrace; restrained by anticipation of shame ; inferior, or unworthy.

At church tonight, God used a good friend asking me a simple question that made me realize where I am at with my weight and causing me to question whether I am doing my best. The question was one that we all get asked from time to time but it has been some time since I had been asked the question. It took me back at first and I didn't want to answer. She was trying to give me some very good tips on how to get through the holidays. I heard her advise and will certainly follow up on it. She simply asked, "How much do you weigh?" To say it out loud would have been shameful to me because I felt guilt over weighing that much.

I know that my weight in on this blog for the whole world to see, if they are interested in knowing. There was something about that question being asked face to face, My mind swirled, I could only answer truthfully for the weight is there for all to see. But I had to look myself in the face and that wasn't pleasant even though it was needed.

I am sure that the Lord used her to help me. I have thougt of little else since that moment. If I am ashamed and feel guilt and unworthy then it is up to me to do something about it. I am so glad that it happened because now I have more motivation to get through the holidays without gaining not even one pound.

When the holidays are over and I have kept my resolve to meet the goals that I have set for myself, I will be sure to let this sweet lady know the part that God let her play in my victory.

My goal for now is just to get through Thanksgiving and then I will set one for the Christmas holidays and then for the new years holiday. When New Years is over, I will look back and see how far God has brought me to. Until then please continue to keep me in your prayers as I will you also. May the new year bring a new and more healthy you and me. connie

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