I have been trying to think of a way that I could be a help to all you young ladies that come here. You are in a time of life that you can do something about what you will be in the future. If you can just take control of your eating and make your body the temple that God intended, you will look back when you are at my age and be glad. I have not been a good example in this area of my life and today I am paying for it. It is not that I have not had good advice, not that I have not had any help that I wanted. My husband has always seen that I had within reason anything that I needed to keep me healthy. No, it is totally on me and the bad choices that I have made for a lifetime. I don't like writing this but I felt if I can help one of you to keep you from coming to where I am, then it will be worth it. I will start from the beginning.
As a child, I was always overweight. I was the one that the kids were always saying, "Fatty, fatty, two by four, can't get through the kitchen door." It usually hurt my feelings but did not touch my weight problem.
In my high school years, my weight stayed at about 180 pounds. In those days, 180 pounds was considered FAT. People back then didn't weigh as much as they do today.
During my senior year in school, I lost down to 165 pounds. Sill considered over weight, I met a young man,named Jim------. He thought I was the most beautiful person he had ever met. My heart was so warmed by his love. We met September of 1961 and were married in March of 1962. We have now been married for 46 years and he still thinks that I am the most beautiful person he has ever known. So I have no excuses, I have been loved. I have been cherished. I just did not make good choices concerning food.
I had our first son when I was 19 in 1963. By the time our second son was born, I weighed 256 3/4 pounds. My husband still thought I was the most beautiful person he had ever seen and he not only said so but showed me with his actions.
After my third son was born, I started to TOPS CLUB. It is a place where you go to be encouraged to lose weight though competition and help from the ladies. It was a good time in my life. I lost 100 pounds while going there. Then I got Pregnant with our fourth son.
I gained slowly back to 180 pounds after that. It took years but for the most part that is the weight I stayed at. Then three years ago, I started having gout, I had it about every six weeks for a year, until they found a way to control it.During these episodes I had more pain than I ever thought possible. I could not walk. My husband had to help me with the most intimate of things. I have always been a person who always took care of herself and anybody else that needed it. It was a very hard year. During the episodes of gout, I had to take steroids which made me gain weight. I could not hardly move for about a year. Each episode I was barely recovered from a it, then it would hit me again. So you can imagine just laying mostly around for a year and still with my eating habits, I gained up to 238 pounds. The rest of the story since then you know.
Now, I was put on blood pressure medicine when I was 19 years old for being overweight. When I was in my 50s, I was found to have some arteries part blocked. I had high cholesterol. So now I took medicine for chest pain and high cholesterol. Two years ago, the Doctor told me that I had type 2 diabetes caused from being overweight. Now, I take medicine for that and that is what has been wrong with me for the last month or so. The diabetes got out of control.
Now all of the things came into my life because I have made wrong choices about food my whole life. It did not have to be. I probably would have still had pretty good health if I had listened to the Lord and to my doctors and learned to control my appetite according to what I needed for a healthy body.
I want all you young ladies to please listen to me, Life passes by very fast and you can always think you will do better later but then one day, it is too late. Health is gone and in some ways you can never get it back. IT WAS NOT NECESSARY. If I could tell you one thing, please do all that you can to take your eating habits seriously for they are effecting your body's health.
I am still fighting a battle and except for the Lord and all of you, I probably would have already given up trying. So, if you can , please think about my story and don't repeat what I have done. I want to do better now but it is so much harder at this stage of my life to lose weight, but I will not quit. To quit would mean my not pleasing my Lord and also premature death for me. connie