Thursday, September 24, 2009


We can have a heart to feel and a head to know and these are needful qualities but we also need a hand to do. We have to have all three to be able to lose weight effectively. This is what I am learning. With my heart, I have lost hundreds of pounds.

We can have the heart that wants and desires to be in better shape, to have the correct body weight, to be able to walk a block or two without huffing and puffing. Our heart longs to be smaller like others who seems to have no problem with weight control.

We can also have the head for losing weight. We know the right amount of calories to eat to lose a pound. We know we need to exercise. We know we have to stay away from large amounts of certain foods. We know we have to have the right portion control. With my head, I have lost hundreds of pounds.

The heart and the head is NOT ENOUGH. We must have a hand that is willing to DO SOMETHING. We must decide to make the choice that we are GOING to lose weight. So, we put our heart and head together and with the help of our hands we WILL MAKE IT.

We can't waste time feeling sorry for ourselves, wishing upon the stars, making all kinds of excuses about why we did or did not lose weight this week. We have to face the fact that it takes our whole being to physically lose weight. That is not even taking into account our Spiritual Being. We must ask God to help us, to encourage us, to lead us in our choices. Then when we ask, we MUST DO! God will always do His part but it is up to us to do ours.

Hope this next week, you will be blessed by letting your heart, head, hands all work together while getting our strength from the Lord. See you, love you, wish you well. connie

Thursday, September 17, 2009




You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. ~ James Lane Allen

Thought is the seed of action. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstances. Adams, Bryan

This has been a very good week for me. I have had a lot of emotional feelings about a host of things this week. Things that ordinarily would have sent me to get "something to eat." For the most part, God has given me the strength to overcome those feelings of helplessness. The times I failed it was not because of lack of strength that was available to me but the lack of wisdom in choices that I made.

Thoughts are powerful things! We can use them for good or for bad. The thoughts we allow into our mind about food will determine our outcome for the loss of gain of a pound. This week, I have tried to keep positive thoughts in my mind, choose the right foods to eat, have the right portions, and to keep as busy as possible.

I have always known this to be true, concerning thoughts. Most of my life though, where food is concerned, I have allowed my desires to dictate to me. This week, I have made a decision each day, each moment to make right choices concerning food in my life and the place I was going to allow it to have.

I pray that each of you have had positive, helpful thoughts all the week long. If not, it is not too late, just start doing it. It is a choice we each have to make about many things in our lives. We would NEVER let our children be hurt, if possible. So, likewise we have to use wisdom and make good choices for the food that we take into our bodies. Things like the right kind, the right amount, how many times a day we will eat, etc. Lets all work this week to seek God early and ask for the strength we need in this area of our lives.Then with that strength, go on to do the right things in the area of eating. I will pray for you, please pray for me. connie

P.S. I forgot to tell you, I lost 2 1/4 pounds this week. For me that is just about right. Not one pain in my toe. I know I have done it right when that doesn't Have a good week!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


" The last effort is always the one that matters. So in whatever you do, never give in until it's over as you'll never know - you may just turn the whole thing around." unknown

It has been a very good week for me. I pray that it has for you also. I lost more than I intended to lose but so far no gout or low blood sugar. My weight loss for this week was five pounds. I wanted to keep it at 2 or 3 but it is so hard to just lose a certain amount. I find that when I start losing I want to go all out and for me that can be a bad thing.

I did have some unusual things come up in my routine this week but God helped me to get past them all without over eating. I only had a hard time once and that was last night. I knew that I had eaten all I could for the day and when my mind heard, "You have had all you get for the day," then my stomach said, "BUT I WANT MORE." Thankfully, my heart heard that small still voice that told me, "You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. So, today I feel energized and really to go another day.

I do pray that you all are doing well and don't forget, if you give up today, you might just have made it had you waited. DON'T GIVE UP!!!! If things don't go as well as you like today, then try again tomorrow. I am praying for you. connie

Friday, September 4, 2009


I AM ALL FOR CANS!!!!! Aren't you?????

WILL----Used to express desire, choice, willingness, consent.

WAY----The course traveled from one place to another, a series of actions, or sequence of events leading in a direction or toward an objective.



I CAN DO ALL THINGS through CHRIST which strengtheneth me.

AND we can if we keep looking to the Lord for our strength. The way may not be easy. In fact it may get very hard. There may seem like there is just no way to get to our goal but God says that there is. I WILL BELIEVE HIM! We may fail when we want so bad to succeed. But we can only fail if we QUIT. The last few months have been very trying to me. I will not go into all the whys and wherefores but God gives the VICTORY!!! We will go on and look toward that day when all things will be made right and if what we call success is not what God calls success then we will be content to have done our best.

I have begun again this week to keep up better with what the scales say. Please pray for me, I can not lose very much at a time or I will have serious other problems. I have to learn patience in this area, I now know. I have always thought of patience in other areas but I know now, I just have to take it SLOW and STEADY! You know like the turtle (laughing out loud) I have never seen myself as a turtle, I like to go and get it done. When I was young, I was able to go at weight loss this way but it is not the way the Lord has for me now. So, I WILL submit to His will and do it His way. I have come to realize that is why the Lord led me to start this blog anyway. He knew the trials that I would have to go through. So, my objective has not changed: To make God's WILL, my way.

I will be writing on this blog at least once a week, maybe more as God leads. I have learned so much coming here and letting you see my heart. In my letting you see, I have seen more clearly. I must say thank you for being so patient with me and for the encouragement you are to me.

I will see you soon especially as I am able. Have a good weekend, remember your goals as I will mine. I have some things that can make me forget them in the next few days if I let my flesh take control. I will remember that "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." I will remember that "Success comes in CANS: Failure come in can'ts.
Keeping my eyes on the goal, connie