Thursday, September 17, 2009




You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. ~ James Lane Allen

Thought is the seed of action. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstances. Adams, Bryan

This has been a very good week for me. I have had a lot of emotional feelings about a host of things this week. Things that ordinarily would have sent me to get "something to eat." For the most part, God has given me the strength to overcome those feelings of helplessness. The times I failed it was not because of lack of strength that was available to me but the lack of wisdom in choices that I made.

Thoughts are powerful things! We can use them for good or for bad. The thoughts we allow into our mind about food will determine our outcome for the loss of gain of a pound. This week, I have tried to keep positive thoughts in my mind, choose the right foods to eat, have the right portions, and to keep as busy as possible.

I have always known this to be true, concerning thoughts. Most of my life though, where food is concerned, I have allowed my desires to dictate to me. This week, I have made a decision each day, each moment to make right choices concerning food in my life and the place I was going to allow it to have.

I pray that each of you have had positive, helpful thoughts all the week long. If not, it is not too late, just start doing it. It is a choice we each have to make about many things in our lives. We would NEVER let our children be hurt, if possible. So, likewise we have to use wisdom and make good choices for the food that we take into our bodies. Things like the right kind, the right amount, how many times a day we will eat, etc. Lets all work this week to seek God early and ask for the strength we need in this area of our lives.Then with that strength, go on to do the right things in the area of eating. I will pray for you, please pray for me. connie

P.S. I forgot to tell you, I lost 2 1/4 pounds this week. For me that is just about right. Not one pain in my toe. I know I have done it right when that doesn't Have a good week!!!


Domestically Inclined said...

woo hoo Conny! Good job! and no pain! Father please keep working in your daughter.

Shirley said...

After a difficult week, it was refreshing to find your encouraging and inspiring words. We need to be constantly reminded our powerful our thoughts are. Thanks...I needed the reminder. Shirley

TO BECOME said...

Domestically Inclined,Thank you so much for your prayers, your encouragement and your visits, They are a blessing to me. Hope you are doing well. connie

TO BECOME said...

Dear Shirley, We do have those kinds of weeks, sometimes more often than we wish but I am glad you felt helped by coming to visit with me for a while. I enjoyed coming and finding your comment. It was encouraging to me. Yes, we do need to be reminded of the power of our thoughts. I think I am just beginning to realize to some extent the power that they have in our lives. You are very welcome and thank you, Shirley. connie