Wednesday, October 1, 2008


WILL----Used to express desire, choice, willingness, consent.

WAY----The course traveled from one place to another, a series of actions, or sequence of events leading in a direction or toward an objective.


I am so thankful that when things get hard in our lives, God has promised never to leave us nor forsake us.

I have been having some health problems for a few months now. I have not tried hard enough to get my blood sugar under control and then there are the things that have been out of my control that has kept it high. When it does get high, I just can not seem to get enough to eat. A few weeks ago, I had a large loss and because I lost so much so soon, I had an attack of gout. I had my Dr.s appointment today. He told me once again that I need to go to Weight Watchers. He thinks with my problems that will help me the most. I can not lose more than one or two pounds a week. That just seems like it doesn't go fast enough when it is that slow but if I have to do it that way then I have to.

Those of you who are young, please use me as an example, it will not always just be a matter of losing weight there will be other things that have to be taken into consideration to be able to lose weight. The older you get and the more you let your weight go it brings on many complications. So, if you possibly can, lose the weight now while you are still healthy except for being over weight. We just can't do as we please when it comes to eating we have to eat healthy.

I am thankful that through all of this even at times when I have not deserved it, the Lord has been with me and helped me when I ask in sincerity.

I have been reading in Exodus chapter 33 for my Bible Reading today and I want to ask the Lord to tell me what He told Moses in verse 14. He told Moses,"And He said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest." I want the Lord's presence to always go with me and I know He will give me the rest that only He can give.

I hope you are all doing good and if you are having problems like mine or different one just don't give up and look to the Lord and I know that He will see us through. I wish that I could always be a good example to you ladies but I have a need also and I have to look to the Lord minute by minute or I would be sick all the time and getting bigger and bigger which would lead to more sickness. So, I want to do what is right and please pray for me as I will be praying for you. connie


Pam--in America said...

I will keep praying for you, Connie! {{HUGS}}

TO BECOME said...

Pam--in jerusalem, thank you so much. I really need it right now. Thank you for the hugs. They made my day. connie

Wings As Eagles said...

I used to go to weight watchers, but didn't like the fact of spending out that much money. I found a page called

I signed up as it was free and it has been a blessing for me. It is like weight watchers, but only free. It keeps track of my food intake, as you have to record it. I get points for logging in and for eating right, exercise right, etc... It has been helpful for me. I haven't been on it very long as I only found out about it here recently, but it has been helpful. The first time I recorded my food I was totally shocked at what I ate and how many calories and fat was in that food. I have been learning to do things differently. Lost 6 pounds and have many more to go. Praise the Lord!!

Let me know if you sign up for it. I did find it helpful.

Praying for you.

TO BECOME said...

Dear "A Sinner Saved By Grace" I have tried SparkPeople before. It didn't work too well for me then but I may give it another try.

Being a diabetic makes it all so much harder to know what to do, at least it has been harder for me.

I do appreciate so much your concern for me and the help you have offered. I will pray about it. I know a lady that has been there for quiet a while.

Thanks for praying for me. connie

Susan said...

I am having weight issues. I have tried everything to lose. I have just started the weight watchers plan. I want to thank you for the advice on your blog. You have done wonderful. Keep up the good work. You will be in my prayers. Keep me in your prayers. God Bless.

Kim S in SC said...

YOur post is such a wonderful reminder that alone, I can do nothing, but with Christ "I can do all things" I am praying for you Connie, and I am praying with you as a fellow soujourner on the weight loss, health seeking path. You have done a great thing reminding me to remember it is not just the weight but the health issues that come along with being overweight. Thank you!!

TO BECOME said...

Dear Susan, You have blessed my heart knowing that you think that I have been of some help to you. I will be praying for you and with all my heart. You will succeed with the help of the Lord. Lean on Him that is what I am trying to do. Thank you so much. connie

TO BECOME said...

Dear Kim s in sc., and with Christ we both can do what we need to do to become healthy, thank you, Kim,I will be praying for you as we travel this road together and my prayer is that you take care of any problems now before they become so large except for the Lord they would be unable to climb . God bless you, Kim. connie