Monday, September 22, 2008


WILL----Used to express desire, choice, willingness, consent.

WAY----The course traveled from one place to another, a series of actions, or sequence of events leading in a direction or toward an objective.


I wanted to let all know who come here to read that I am doing good. There has been so much going on that I have no had the proper time to come here and blog but I have not forgotten any of you. You all remain in my prayers and thoughts.

I have run into a problem with my weight losing situation. I am trying to rethink how I will be able to handle this roadblock but I know that I can with God's help.

It seems that I have been losing too much at a time, can you believe that one? No more than I have been losing and its too much, that is hard for my mind to get hold of. My body fights back, it seems when I lose what it considers too much at a time and I get GOUT. What an ugly word. It sure is not a fun thing either. The Dr. is suppose to get with me again, in a couple of weeks and give me some help on what I can do to prevent this from happening again. I am not able to take the steroids, when I get gout,anymore for other health reasons. Even if like the turtle, I have to creep along, I will continue to do my best. It may not be inspiring for you to come here but I will be trying. As soon as I reach that 200 pound mark, you will see a new picture and oh, what joy that will be for me!!

I hope you are all doing good, I have had so much to do recently that I have not had time to sit at the computer for any length of time, and I have missed you. connie


Sunny Days said...

I'm so glad you were able to get on here and leave me a comment. I'm sorry you are dealing with Gout and hope the Dr. helps you with that.
Congratulations on the new precious gift from God! What a special blessing for your family.
Thank you for your wonderful comment you left me, it just lifted my heart. You are so right about giving things over to God. Thank you so was great to hear from you!
Praying for sunny days for you and your family!

TO BECOME said...

Dear Sunny Days,I am glad that I was able to visit you and so glad that you have returned my visit. Thanks so much.

We are so thankful for that tiny beautiful little baby girl. God has been so good to us in bringing her to us safely. Hope we both can give all things over to the Lord and let Him do things the way they need to be done. Thank you for being Sunny and thank you for wishing Sunny days for me and my family. Hope it is much the same for you. connie