Monday, January 28, 2008



Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

I share with you one of my favorites verses for help in any stressful situation. It is the above verse found in Isaiah 26:3. I love this verse. It has given me many hours of peace in the years since I first made it apply to me. It can apply to you also, if you let it.

My sister called me late on Friday evening saying her and her husband were coming to visit for the weekend. I love my sister and I was so excited about seeing her and my brother in law. Then as I hung up the phone or maybe even before, I started thinking now, what am I going to fix to eat while they are here. I thought of several of my favorite recipes and wondering if that would be aright and good enough for them. I wanted to do my very best for them as they are able to come not very often. I could feel myself becoming more and more anxious. Then it was as though I could hear someone say, "how soon you forget." I knew what it meant. I was putting too much emphasis on the food and not those that I love and the time that we would have to spend together reviewing our memories of days past.

So, first thing I did was go and reread my posts over the last few weeks and then I remembered the verse in Isaiah 26:3. I read it over and over for about 10 times until I knew that it was in my heart. God gave me peace----------. I then remember that my brother in law had had open heart surgery a few years back and he did not need some of the things that I had in mind to fix for them. I knew my sister had been trying to lose weight .These two things uppermost in my mind I sat down and with the things I already had in the house, I prepared menues for the day that they would be here. We had a great time! She and I beat my husband and her husband in "42" for 7 out of 8 games. Let me tell you ladies and gentlemen who may be reading this, it was pure pleasure. We stayed up late and then got up on Sunday morning and they went to church with us. On this particular morning we were having all day services. We had three of the men of our church speak in the morning time from 9:00 am til 12:00 noon. My husband and son were two of those men. It was such a blessing to all of us to hear what the men had to say. It was now noontime and the church broke to have lunch together. My sister, her husband, Jim and I said our good byes and they left on a 5 hour journey back to their home in Northeast Texas. It was a great time and made all the sweeter because God had given me such peace about the issue of food. I want to say that with His help I was able to do what was right in how I thought about food and the food that I ate. I am so thankful that He is always there when I need Him and He helps me at times before I even ask.

I hope you have the peace that only God can give you in your stressful situations that come to all of us in life. We can have this peace because we trust in Him. It is not the words per say that gives us peace but it is the author of those words. I trust Him with my life . It is kind of silly not to trust Him with a weekend, Isn't it? I hope you have learned to trust Him in all things. He wants us to. In this matter of losing weight, if you think you can't do it, He can do it through you. You just have to be willing to let Him. God bless you all and I pray that you have a great week. When we come back next week, I would like for you to post at least one way that God has helped you this past week. That would be a great blessing to me and to others. Thank you. connie

Tuesday, January 22, 2008



''And God said, 'Let there be light': and there was light."

LIGHT-----Something that makes vision possible, truth, a particular illumination,

I picked these definitions because they were what I am talking about today.

I have read over all of my posts since I first began this blog. I was amazed at the process of the "light" on this subject that has been given to me, as I have studyed God's word. Studying the things that would help me to lose weight the way God would have me to. I truly found that as I ask for "light" He has given me more and more.

LUKE 11:9

"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

I have asked and as I sought, I have found the answers. The way is gradually being open to me and I am so thankful. I realize that this is just like anything else, I am capable of sinning even after knowing the truth. But it will not be God's fault. The blame will be entirely mine. He has given me "light" now it is up to me, if I make use of the knowledge that I have gained. I know without doubt, if I keep God in His right place then I will do what is right. If I have no other gODS before the God of heaven then I will stay on the right path. I pray that those of you that read this blog, have gained some "light" along with me. The journey will not be easy. There are those out there who have others things in their lives that can be a stumbling block that to me might not even register. Food to me is a stumbling block that will trip me if I do not keep my eyes on the Lord. I am praying for all of you and I would ask you to please do the same for me. I wish for you a "light" filled day. connie

Friday, January 18, 2008


Do you see the cartoon in the side bar. "This is not God's way." That is an understatement. On my last post, a friend left me a comment that contained a verse that I wanted to share with all of you. This is God's way and it is the best way to not have other gODS before our Father in heaven. This is the verse found in Romans 6:12 "LET NOT SIN THEREFORE REIGN IN YOUR MORTAL BODY, THAT YE SHOULD OBEY THE LUSTS THEREFORE." She was memorizing the verse this week to help her with her battle in this area. I would like to encourage you to do the same. I have memorized it before but I have done so again. I am also putting a sign on my refrigerator to remind me of what God's will is for me in regards to the food that I put into my body.

We have to treat this sin as we would any other.1 John l:9 tells us what to do.
It says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." First confess then let Him cleanse us from our unrighteousness.

You know for years, when I have eaten more than my body needed to run smoothly, I would get all depressed, because I felt like such a failure. I would always lie to myself and say, "Well, I have messed up so I might as well go ahead and keep on eating." It was not that I had failed God Almighty, that made me feel so bad, but that I had failed myself. Some times, those days of eating much more than I needed would go on for days, even weeks and sad to say even years. You see, I did not face my sin, if in my heart I even was taking note that I had sinned. I did not confess it to the Lord and let him cleanse me from the unrighteousness of my heart in lusting for more than I needed. So one sin added to another and my body was bearing the weight of all those sins. Sin brings forth death. I was literally causing years to be taken off my life because of a failure to recognize sin for what it is. It is not just murder, adultery, envy, lying, coveting, and etc. It is also being a glutton. Gluttons have a hard time wanting to get up and move. So then the sin of laziness and lust was added on to the list, and yes the sins started to add up. We must confess and be made clean even when there is one sin. We can not see a certain sin as having no value. God says sin brings fourth death. He does not say certain sins, He says SIN.

I am so glad that I have allowed God to show me this much needed lesson. I wish that I had done it sooner. I hope if you are young, middle aged or even elderly that you begin to day to see sin for what it is. Not only in this area but other areas of our life as God gives us light.

Jim and I went to the Doctor on Thursday morning for our regular 4 month checkup. He just kept saying, "Beautiful, Beautiful," as he read our blood test report and also our blood pressure readings and our loss of weight. I thought to my self. He is so pleased, I wonder what my Lord and Saviour is thinking, I pray that He is pleased .

Keep on trying and don't give in when you sin or fail in your trying, just confess and let Him clean you up. It makes the heart so thankful, and ready to start again and do better the next time. We are going to do it wrong many times in our struggles but the most important thing is how we handle the wrong. Don't let days, months, years past before you do what is right. Be quick and then you can continue on with a clean heart. love you, connie

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


How easy it is in this life to have other gods before our GOD? I looked up the word god. It said as part of the definition, "One controlling a particular aspect or part of reality." Now, if we are to be honest, we must admit that at times food does control a part of our reality. Does it not? I know for me there have been times that my mind seemed constantly on the next meal, what we were eating or how to fix this or that or having something to do with food. I know that in times past I have made food a god. Anything that we put before God in our lives becomes a God to us. Yet, God's word tells us in Exodus 20:3 that, "THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER gODS BEFORE ME." He tell us NO OTHER gODS. We have to be very careful how we look at and use food. This is one sin that is very plain to see. It is in the puffiness of the face, around the hips and stomach. Even our feet and hands become larger. Our necks become thicker . We pay the price for eating too much. Our bodies and the systems of our bodies become weaker and do not work as efficient. Our blood pressure goes up, our arteries clog, our blood sugar goes to high, too much pressure is put on our joints, etc. Yes, we pay a very high price. We are not bringing honor and glory to God with our bodies being used in such a way. As we start to take a bite of food, we need to ask ourselves, Am I hungry, Do I need this for energy to make my body work . Will I be using what I am eating to bring honor to God or is in for my own fleshly lust. There is nothing wrong with having food sometimes just for pleasure but if it causes us to gain weight in excess then it becomes wrong. These are just some things that I have been thinking about lately and I wanted to share them and see what you think. connie

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Tonight as I sit here at the computer, weight loss seems so unimportant. I watched today as they lowered my sister in law down in the grave that had been dug for her. I know that our relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing. I pray that each of you have made that right with God.

Yet, it is through things like looking to the Lord for help with the problems and weaknesses that we have in life that show us just what the Lord is willing to do to help us because He loves us. He is there for us even in this. We can be so thankful that He feels the feelings that we have during these times. He will help us if we will just ask. He is our Father and He wants us to ask Him for his help. Let us make it more of an important thing this year to ask God when we need His help even in this area of our life. He will, I know He will.

I have missed coming to this place to visit with you , my friends but I thank you for the many prayers you have prayed for us these last few weeks. Thank you so much. connie

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


If you would like an update on Margie, please go to As far me. Today I can finally say I am feeling good. I want to wish each of you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. This year, I pray that we all make our commitment to lose weight a reality. I wish that I had more time but I do not as of yet. As soon as I can, I will be coming to visit you all. Thank you all so much for praying for me and my family. It is a blessing to have you in my life.connie


Whenever I am starting out
Upon a fresh new year,
I always stop to think about
The one no longer here.
The year thats dead, I travel back
And let my memory run
In contemplation through the stack
Of things I could have done.

I check the deeds I meant to do
With those I did, and find
That I neglected quite a few
Real chances to be kind.
I learned the words that I meant to say
To comfort and to cheer,
And yet postponed them for a day.
I didn't speak that year.

And then to my disgrace I find
That had I paused to smile
And do those little actions kind
I'd not have lost a mile.
I learn now that the chance is gone,
That I have missed a lot,
For all those deeds I could have done
As eaisly as not.
Edgar A. Guest