Monday, January 28, 2008



Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

I share with you one of my favorites verses for help in any stressful situation. It is the above verse found in Isaiah 26:3. I love this verse. It has given me many hours of peace in the years since I first made it apply to me. It can apply to you also, if you let it.

My sister called me late on Friday evening saying her and her husband were coming to visit for the weekend. I love my sister and I was so excited about seeing her and my brother in law. Then as I hung up the phone or maybe even before, I started thinking now, what am I going to fix to eat while they are here. I thought of several of my favorite recipes and wondering if that would be aright and good enough for them. I wanted to do my very best for them as they are able to come not very often. I could feel myself becoming more and more anxious. Then it was as though I could hear someone say, "how soon you forget." I knew what it meant. I was putting too much emphasis on the food and not those that I love and the time that we would have to spend together reviewing our memories of days past.

So, first thing I did was go and reread my posts over the last few weeks and then I remembered the verse in Isaiah 26:3. I read it over and over for about 10 times until I knew that it was in my heart. God gave me peace----------. I then remember that my brother in law had had open heart surgery a few years back and he did not need some of the things that I had in mind to fix for them. I knew my sister had been trying to lose weight .These two things uppermost in my mind I sat down and with the things I already had in the house, I prepared menues for the day that they would be here. We had a great time! She and I beat my husband and her husband in "42" for 7 out of 8 games. Let me tell you ladies and gentlemen who may be reading this, it was pure pleasure. We stayed up late and then got up on Sunday morning and they went to church with us. On this particular morning we were having all day services. We had three of the men of our church speak in the morning time from 9:00 am til 12:00 noon. My husband and son were two of those men. It was such a blessing to all of us to hear what the men had to say. It was now noontime and the church broke to have lunch together. My sister, her husband, Jim and I said our good byes and they left on a 5 hour journey back to their home in Northeast Texas. It was a great time and made all the sweeter because God had given me such peace about the issue of food. I want to say that with His help I was able to do what was right in how I thought about food and the food that I ate. I am so thankful that He is always there when I need Him and He helps me at times before I even ask.

I hope you have the peace that only God can give you in your stressful situations that come to all of us in life. We can have this peace because we trust in Him. It is not the words per say that gives us peace but it is the author of those words. I trust Him with my life . It is kind of silly not to trust Him with a weekend, Isn't it? I hope you have learned to trust Him in all things. He wants us to. In this matter of losing weight, if you think you can't do it, He can do it through you. You just have to be willing to let Him. God bless you all and I pray that you have a great week. When we come back next week, I would like for you to post at least one way that God has helped you this past week. That would be a great blessing to me and to others. Thank you. connie


Pam--in America said...

Connie, I'm so glad you posted this. So often I worry about the food when I'm going to have visitors.... but you're so right; that's not what's important at all. I'll keep this in mind for next time I have company.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the time with your family!

TO BECOME said...

Pam, sad to say, I used to always worry about this. I am not sure why because I know that it is not the important thing. I loved being with my sister and her husband. They used to live here when we first moved here. He was a Game Warden. They transferred him and we have lived here away from other family since that time many years ago. She is fun and bubbly and loves the Lord. So, we have lots of fun together. She is a great friend. Have a good week Pam. connie

Kim said...

I'm entertaining Friday. I was planning my menu when I took a break to check in on some blogs. This is a great help!

"I trust Him with my life . It is kind of silly not to trust Him with a weekend, Isn't it?" ~This is something for me to chew on today. Thank you!!!

Tori Leslie said...

Thanks Connie,
I do the same thing, it's funny how food always takes the forefront in our lives. I really appreciate this post, we have several guests coming to stay with us from the states and I tend to get a little wonky about the food. Thanks and I'll remember that verse!
BTW, you look great!

TO BECOME said...

Dear Senkyoshi, Yes, I found all of your blogs very helpful to me also. God gives us such wonderful help from all over the world. How blessed we are. Hope your Friday is one of "perfect peace." connie

TO BECOME said...

Dear Tori, You know when I go somewhere it really doesn't matter what we have to eat and yet I have always let it just make a nervous wreck of me in wondering if we will have enough or if it will be the right thing. Such things that just tend to make what should be a very happy time into one of stress not needed nor wanted and certainly not God given. Thanks for the compliment, it is appreciated. connie

Kim S in SC said...

I love the peace He offers and how you shared that in this story! What a great God that He not only saves us for eternity, but that he ties up loose ends on the weekends too! Glory to HIM!

God has really helped me today with reminding me of this verse: Luke 9:23. The denying stuff seemed to be an issue with me this week, but He reminded me often that though I deny my flesh, following Him had much greater rewards and pleasure!

TO BECOME said...

Dear Kim s in SC., Yes, that is a great verse. His help is there, we just have to ask and find it. I love all the verses sounding the one you gave also. Have a good day. connie

Sis. Julie said...

I'm glad you posted this Sister!! I needed this. Not only in relation to my way of eating but also in another situation I'm facing right now. Isaiah 26:3-4 are two of my favorite verses. I've claimed them many many times!! I need to be reminded.

Love you!

TO BECOME said...

Sis. Julie, Well, I am glad that I posted it also, if it was a help to you in any way. I, too, have claimed them many times also. love you, connie

Tori Leslie said...

Just popped by to say, Hope your doing well this week and end uo a big looser! :0)

TO BECOME said...

Tori, glad to came by for a visit. I have had a pretty slow week but that is the way it is sometimes, our body has to keep up. So, yes, I feel very good and I sure hope you are having some very good days also. I am praying for all of you. connie

Anonymous said...

Connie dear,

Peace in meal-planning for guests is something I need to ask God for. For now, I am learning how to re-adjust my thinking just for my immediate family. The way we ate over Christmas holiday proved to me that some very important decisions needed to be made. Good glad you enjoyed your sister. I don't have a sister in my family. However, God has blessed me with such an abundance of Sisters in the Lord that I have never missed out. One of the most important sisters I have is your wonderful daughter-in-law...she has been such a wonderful Godly dear friend. Wow, how did I get off the subject???
Keep up the good work. Jim and I have been steadily losing for the last month. We both feel so much better.
Until next time...

Anonymous said...

That last comment was supposed to say Kim in Alaska...


TO BECOME said...

Dear Kim, Yes, I am not doing to well when we have company or like things at church. I might do alright with my eating at those times but It is not something that I do with very much pleasure. I wonder if I will ever get to that place.

I know you have a wonderful sister in my oldest daughter in law. She has been a wonderful daughter to me also. I know she loves you very much, as well as your daughter that has become part of our family.

I am glad to hear that you and Jim have been steadly losing and I know that you feel better. I wish my Jim would get more interested in losing. He really needs to.

Are you on anything special like the weight watcher plan or etc.? I notice a lot of people who are losing are doing that.

Well, have a good week and I will be praying for you and Jim. love you, connie