Wednesday, November 7, 2007


WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY. I belive that is the way the saying goes. I have the will, I am determined to find the way. I didn't want to do this again , after losing my other blog on losing weight, but here I am again. I guess I will keep trying until I die. connie


HOPE said...

Hi Connie...thank you for visiting my blog..watering wells of hope.

I had to laugh at your Garfield on the scale. I saw a comic once with two little girls looking fearful at a weighing scale. One looked at the other and said.."don't go near that! it makes my mommy cry!"

Have a great week!

TO BECOME said...

Hope, I have just got this blog up and running. What a great surprise to find your comment here waiting for me. To me it is just a confirmation that God wants me to be accountable in this way. Thank you so much. connie

Karen said...

Hey Connie,

I hope you reach your goal and just remember Phillipians 4:13.

God Bless my friend.

TO BECOME said...

Karen, I know that very by memory and say it quiet often. It is one of my husband's favorite verses. Thank you so much. Have a happy day. connie

Connie Marie said...

A new blog on dieting! This is cool. I have lost 15 lbs and still losing. I am happy about this. I hope you are doing good too. Drinking eight glasses of water day really helps me.

TO BECOME said...

Connie Marie, Good for you. Drinking the water is helping me also. It is one thing that I have to force, I don't like drinking water unless that is what I am wanting. I read once that sometimes our body tells us we are hungry when we are actually thirsty. I think maybe that this might be true. Hope you have a very good weekend. connie

HOPE said...

Oh that is my problem also..WATER. I tell myself daily...WATER..WATER. Maybe if I think like a PLANT it would be easier!

Thanks for the reminder! WATER...
and who should think upon WATER more than I with my blogspot name!

I'll keep returning...I need the accountablity too!

TO BECOME said...

Hope, I am so glad you will keep returning that way, I know I am being accountable to someone. The water helps a lot. Have a good day. connie