Monday, November 26, 2007


Credit for this cartoon goes to:Woman's World.

These are my sentiments exactly.

There are so many new fangled ideas on the market and I do not know how to work many of them. The can opener is my one victory. I could at one time, roll the windows up and down on our car. I still can if the electronic windows don't quit working. To make a DVD or a stereo, microwave, and many other things work , it is beyond me. I like things simple. That way you don't have to wonder. It just works.

I think that is how it is with losing weight. You have to put less in than you put out. If you put the same amount in as you put out then things will remain the same. That is how it has been for me the last couple of weeks. I am positive that if you put more in than you take out then you will gain weight. See its simple. We just have to put less in or do more. If we both, put less in and do more then we will show a greater loss.

We do have to eat. It is not like stopping something completely. But that is no excuse by any means. It is what the Bible talks about to some extent when it says, "We will reap what we sow."

I know that these verses pertain to souls but I am using it to explain , I believe what we can look forward to in regards to losing weight.

Psalm 126:5


As far as eating the things we want but do not need, I think that if we sow by only eating the amount our bodies needs to function correctly then it may at times cause us to want to shed tears because we feel we are depriving our flesh of it sensual desires. There will come a time that we will reap the rewards of good health and a smooth running body if we give it only what it needs and eat the extras only rarely. We can reap in joy if we want to, concerning this part of our lives IF WE WANT TO.
Galatians 6: 7
We need not try to fool ourselves, God will not be mocked, he has made us and He knows what and how much we need to make this body run the right way. If we eat more than we need then it will show. We may put on bigger clothes, darker colors, let no one see us when we eat but it will be there for all to see sooner or later and the one that matters most (God) sees everything all the time. WE ARE GOING TO REAP WHATEVER WE ARE SOWING.
I write these things to be a help to myself but if in the reading you find that they might help you with your struggle for victory then I am very happy to share my way and hopefully it is becoming our will. connie


HOPE said...

so true Connie... dark clothes..mmm? I think I know what you mean!

I do agree...our mindset of what we are eating..why etc. has a lot to do with our "diet".

It is actually amazing how much we don't need to eat..but WHAT we eat. I have simplyfied my eating habits and feel better just knowing it is not junk or more than necessary.

Keep up with your blog! we all need to be reminded of this battle and that there is a victory to win!

TO BECOME said...

Hope, thank you so much. I sure will keep it up as long as it is a help in this fight that so many of us have. We will have the victory. connie

Sis. Julie said...

I love your blog!! Garfield jumping on the scales made me chuckle!! I'll be coming back daily!! Love you!!

TO BECOME said...

Sis. Julie, I know that is Garfield but so many times in my life that has been Me. Come back as often as you wish, it will be my pleasure to welcome you. love you, too. connie

~~Deby said...

I so struggle with this area of my life....I am working on it...and reading Julie's post on gluttony....well...we KNOW...or I should say....I know it is is one meal at a time...this is sure a hard time of year...for trying to eat realize our bodies are the temple of God...and FOOD the reason for the Season or is JESUS the reason I choose to celebrate the Season....the latter...I am sure..but it is still hard.

TO BECOME said...

Deby, I have been fighting being over weight my whole life. I think that I am finally understanding that food is not the end all and be all of life. We need it to make a bodies opperate in the right way but it can be a killer also. I can't say that it is too much food because even as a child and we only had beans and potatoes ( which is still my favorites) I was still over weight. I do truly believe with out making excused that genes play the biggest part in it. If we just give up though it is not only a battly but a war that is lost. Thank you. connie