Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I AM A BUTTERFLY~~~~~~~~~~;)

WILL----Used to express desire, choice, willingness, consent.

WAY----The course traveled from one place to another, a series of actions, or sequence of events leading in a direction or toward an objective.

I guess you thought I had given up or worse yet died. Not neither. I have just had some problems with my hip and could not sit at the computer for long at a time. I tried to keep up with my other blog http://connies-thoughts.blogspot.com but didn't do a very good job of that either.
I wanted to let you know that Curves did not work out for me. Certainly not because I did not love going and I loved doing the exercises but each time that I went, sadly to say my joints hurt me more and more. The doctor told me that I had to quit, it was making my joints inflamed. So, I may have had to quit that part but I have not forgotten what my real goal is. I am not losing but thanks be to God, I am not gaining. I have had to sit more than usual because when my hip gets bad, I can not lay or stand very well.
I hope that each of you are having good success whether you are in a holding pattern or losing with with zeal. If you find you have gained some pounds all is not lost. You just have to make a decision to go again. With each new day renew that decision and continue on.
One day we will celebrate when I finally make it down to that magic number of 200. I will appreciate it more than ever because it has been so much harder to get there this time.
I loved this little picture. We are really butterflies in this weight loss journey. We may just be cocoons in the flesh but God is making us into beautiful butterflies. One day we will spread our wings and fly!! Keep trying. connie


Pam--in America said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you're having problems with your hip and joints. But it's very good to hear that you haven't given up! I'll pray that you continue to rely on God for your strength.

TO BECOME said...

Dear Pam thank you so much for your prayers and your continued faithfullness to come and check up on me and for your encouragement. I appreciate all very much. You are special. connie

Domestically Inclined said...

Way to go Connie! Never sound defeat! I have much to loose myself and am so encouraged when I see someone else keep going!
God bless and I look forward to seeing the butterfly inside of you, and me :)

TO BECOME said...

Domestically Inclined, thanks so much for your comment. It has made my day. I have been having some extra things in my life to help with so I have not been able to keep up very well with two of my blogs but I will return and hopefully with a loss but I will not give up, of that you can be sure. I am looking forward to seeing the butterfly in each of us also. It has been so nice meeting you. Please come again. connie

Smiley Girl said...

Connie I am sorry you are having a rough go of it.

I wanted to share something with you...pray about it and ask God if this is something for you to consider...somehow I know you will. :0)

There is a group of people online, not a religious group but folks who desire not necessarily to lose weight but to be healthy. They are a wonderful bunch, they are. Very supportive, I love them all.

Here's how they lost or are losing weight...meat and water only. Most of them have eating disorders. But they are thriving and giving and living and loving...it's a beautiful thing.

They can be found at http://forum.zeroinginonhealth.com/index.php

Now believe me the group/method is not for everyone. I tried it, after I was diagnosised type 1 diabetic (which I refute, as God has healed me...but I see through faith eyes, my monitor does not YET! :0) Praise Jesus!!!) Anyway...when diagnsised I weighted 85 pounds, I was 100105 lbs before that, I am in my early 40's).

Back to the group...you definitely lose weight, you never starve (believe me!!!) but sadly for me...you do lose.

Be Blessed. Shalom, Smiley

Smiley Girl said...

oops! That should be 100 to 105 pounds. Sorry!

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

I understand the difficulty. My husband needs to get down to 300 (maybe some day less), but he has similar problems as you. In his case, it is his knees. He cannot walk very far, so exercise is a serious problem. Without exercise, it is hard to lose. He gets discouraged and gives up quite easily. Good for you for not giving up!

TO BECOME said...

Thank you all for being so patient with me and my trying. I will be coming back here faithfully as often as is possible for me.

Pam---I will have to live with my hip and joint problems but they will not stop me only I can stop me as long as it is God's will for me to keep going.

Domestically Inclined---I hope you are still in the fight. We will bring that butterfly to life. I am sorry that I have not been faithful to this blog, I promise to do better.

Smiley,----thank you so much for your caring and your wanting to help me. I have a bad problem with gout so I am limited to very small amounts of meat. Thank again. I hope you come again now that I am able to be back. connie

Elizabeth, thank you for sharing that with me. I hope your husband and you are doing well. We can't give up, no matter what. The Lord never gave up on us. Have a great day.

Belinda Jo Adams said...

Congratulations on your weight loss. I like that picture of the caterpillar and butterfly!