Friday, March 20, 2009


This picture was taken by my husband Wednesday, March 18, 2009, our wedding anniversary.

I just wanted to let you all know that I am watching all that goes into my mouth and waiting for the day in the not too distant future now when I will be able to post a 200 pound picture on my side bar. I hope to be able to do this by my birthday on May 27. It is slow but God is helping in every way. I can not asked for more. I have had a bout with the flu and food poisoning this last month. Guess what the food poisoning was from a salad in a Seafood place. It all looked so good, smelled so good but then as Christians haven't we learned how deceiving looks can be.

In less than 24 hours, I had all the effects of food poisoning. I am feeling fine now and have prayed that no one else other than myself and my daughter in law Michele had it.

So, I will continue on with watching the foods that I am eating, asking my self "are you really hungry?" I am beginning to exercise some and hope to continue that and as
Sis. Julie would say, "Drink my Water."lol. It really does help.

I hope all of you in which ever way, works best for you, are doing a good job and are finding your goals just a bit closer each day. In everything it is sticking to it that counts. If you go a day or two or two months, don't give up just take heart, pray and get back with it. I think we all know by now, if we know not much else of anything about losing weight, with us it is going to be a lifetime battle. So, it is a battle that I intend to win or be winning when I take my last breath. The Lord will not find me slacking off, I pray. connie

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I have lost 2 more pounds. I am very thankful that they seem to be coming easier for me now for a while.

I have learned somethings. It does not take nearly as much food as we think to live and be healthy. My sister had weight loss surgery about one year ago. She eat so very little. It was only about 4 ounces a day for months. Of course she took vitamins and such. But thank the Lord, I can eat much more than that and still lose and get all that I need to be healthy. So, I took note of that.

With the last dog we had, now mind you, I know that I am not a dog, and big dogs can eat a lot. But they don't eat as much as I use to, they just got more exercise. I did notice that they only ate once or twice a day.

So, I have been putting some of the things into practice. I eat less and not as often. I move as often as possible. Maybe not doing much but what I am doing if I can , I stand and do it. The results are that soon, I will be able to post an updated picture. I know you probably thought that I would never make it. At times, so did I but I just kept trusting the Lord and asking for His help. So keep watching if you are interested. It will be soon now~~~~A new picture coming. connie