Monday, July 21, 2008


We have a Shepherd today. He has provided all that we need to succeed in this weight loss journey. We can overcome in any trial if we are in His will. He wants to be our guide even in this hard journey. He makes a way of escape in the temptations that come to us daily. He make the way, we just have to want to find it.

There hath NO TEMPTATION taken you but such as in common to man: but GOD IS FAITHFUL, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able: but will with the temptation also MAKE A WAY TO ESCAPE, THAT YE MAY BE ABLE TO BEAR IT.

YEA, THOUGH I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH------. If we die to SELF in this matter of appetite, He is with us. God Almighty, not just a friend across the way but the One who made us. What do we really have to fear? In my heart, I know this. In my head when I see the "cake, fried chicken" I may question. The answer is NOTHING OR NO ONE. Yet, in our on human weakness, we do. Each day in our lives there come the dark places that we must pass through. They are called, living, disappointments, loneliness, fear, etc. Yet, you and I need to remember, We have the Great Shepherd going with us on this journey. WE CAN MAKE IT! We have to trust Him, do our part and HE WILL GIVE US THE VICTORY!! It is during the time that we spend in this valley, He has given us a great tool but much better than a fork. He has given us the ability to PRAY. He hears and answers us. JEREMIAH 33:3---CALL UNTO ME, AND I WILL ANSWER THEE, AND SHEW THEE GREAT AND MIGHT THINGS, WHICH THOU KNOWEST NOT.

THY ROD AND THY STAFF THEY COMFORT ME. The earthly shepherd always carried a rod, which he used in protection of his sheep. If the wild animals came, he would use it to run them off or whatever needed to be done for his sheep's protection. He also carried a staff. The staff is very long with the end turned into a crook. When the
sheep would lose their footing and slip down the mountain side, he would take the staff and reach down and place the crook around their bodies and lift them back up to safety and his protection. He is "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think."

THOU PREPAREST A TABLE BEFORE ME---------.The earthly shepherd would always check over the ground that he was about to take his sheep on to see if there were any poisonous plants or sharp thorns that could hurt one of his sheep. If he found any he would remove them. He was preparing their table. My daughter-in-law, Michelle, is always pulling up the weeds that grow in her gardens. She does this not because she likes to pull weeds, No, she does it to protect her growing plants. We have this promise, "FOR WHOSOEVER IS BORN OF GOD OVERCOMETH THE WORLD. 1John 5:4a

HE ANOINTEST MY HEAD WITH OIL-----.Sometimes despite the earthly shepherd's careful preparations, the sheep would get scratched by a sharp stone or thorn. As the sheep would come to the sheepfold, the shepherd would carefully check them over one by one and apply the soothing oil where it was needed.

Sometimes we get hurt, disappointed, feel lonely and unloved even forsaken by our earthly loved ones and friends but our Great Shepherd knows us. See in the previous verse it is very personal......"MY HEAD." He knows the needs that each of us have that are ours alone. He know the needs that we have that others also may have. He takes care of us on a one on one basis.

Tomorrow, when you come to a hard place in your day, remember our Great Shepherd. He wants to help us. He wants to take care of our wounds, our failures, our disappointment. He loves us.

The verses where a place is not listed which I am sure you already know came from the 23rd Psalm.

I have been praying over a new way to try to have some help with my weight loss. When I make my decision and see that it is going to work safely. I will tell you about it. It is just healthy eating but in a certain way. Please pray for me that it will help me to do what I need to do and to do safely. Thanks so much.connie


Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...

I do agree with you for the answer you need! Keep seeking Him and His way...He WILL be found.

TO BECOME said...

Dear Fuschia, There may be some other ways but I know that His way is best because He made us. Thank you, hope you are doing very good. connie

Lisa Kmiec said...

Excellent post - and one I needed to read today!

Thank you.

TO BECOME said...

Dear Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, I have missed you. Hope you are well. You have been in my prayers. I am like that you found a post that you needed here. Have a very good day. connie

TO BECOME said...

Dear Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Sorry about the way that was written. I can't expect you to understand it. I mean to say,

"I am glad that you found a post here that you needed." Hope it helped. connie

Tori Leslie said...

Needed this today, thanks for the encouragement!

sparrow's song said...

you shared,
...when you come to a hard place in your day, remember our Great Shepherd. He wants to help us. He wants to take care of our wounds, our failures, our disappointment. He loves us.

I must admit, that my independence is probably something that comes between God and me at times. I tend to just carry things instead of bringing them to Him. But your post reminds me that we often carry things needlessly.

Pausing to pray for your possible eating plan.

TO BECOME said...

Dear Tori, I am glad that you found something that you needed here today and I am so thankful that the Lord used me. Praying for you. connie

TO BECOME said...

Dear Sparrow's Song, Thank you so much for praying. I pray that it will work for me. I have so many things that I have to look out for that the Lord will have to be in this for me to be healthy in doing it. I will begin tomorrow. I have done all the prayer and getting ready that I can do. So in the morning I will begin. Thank you. connie

Unknown said...

Dear Connie
I will remember you in my prayers.I needed this post today.
God Bless you. Lisa

TO BECOME said...

Dear Lisa, thank you for your prayers. I will really need all that I can get. Glad the post was a help to you. God bless you today also. connie