Thursday, June 26, 2008


This has been a great week for me. I have had five of our Granddaughters visiting with us. Their enthusiasm and jest for life couldn't help but rub off on me. They were watching their weight so that was a great help to me. I wouldn't at all be surprised if they were doing it for me so that I would be able to stay on the program that I am on. They were a great encouragement to me. Where I have found it hard to get on the stationary bike and pedal away, they were on it several times a day. My youngest Granddaughter even rode it for eleven miles one day. They were constantly busy doing something and such energy. Always smiling and sitting down to listen to their Grandma talk as if she had something very important to say. It was so good for my soul. I am very thankful to God for the time that I have had to spend with them. I see them grow physically and spiritually with each visit and it thrills me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.

I have learned a lot from watching them this past week. I have made up my mind that I am going to put my day on a schedule for a time. I have always worked well with schedules so I am going to give this a try and see if it want give me some accountability.

I have lost two pounds this week. In many ways I am surprised but in others, I guess I am not. It has been a very busy week and has passed all too quickly. I look forward to this next week to see how I will do putting all my new thoughts into actions.

I do so hope that each one of you have had a great week. We all know by now that the kind of week that we have is much up to us. We can look at things in a negative way and our week will be one where we feel low and seem to have nothing to look forward to. It can be a week where we set goals and then go to work to make them come to pass with the help of the Lord leading and guiding our every step.

I have the last half of my teeth cleaned on this Friday so I would ask you to please pray for me. I look forward to it being done and yet I am hoping that this secession goes as well as the last one. I would appreciate your prayers and thank you for those you have prayed on my behalf in the past. I pray for each of you by name. Have a great week and have a good attitude and work toward that goal. connie


Lisa Kmiec said...

I'm so glad to hear that you had a good week with your granddaughters. I was lucky to have a great-grandmother around while I was growing up. I will never forget the times I spent with her. They are my favorite memories. I'm sure your granddaughters feel the same about you.!

Congratulations on your weight loss! I will keep you in prayer for Friday.

TO BECOME said...

Dear Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Thank you so much for praying for me and I hope that your week has been a good one.

I really did have a great week with my Granddaughters and I hate to see it end but the memories will always be with me. connie

P.s. I had a GREAT Grandmother too!! I still miss her today.

Sis. Julie said...

Amen!! I came by not knowing you had began posting again on here. What a joy to find you had and to find such an encouraging post at that. What a blessing that you had your granddaughters there with you and that they were such a help to you. You are doing so well with your weight loss!! I've struggled myself for so long it seems that I have about given up several times...but then I look at the first picture I had taken that is on my fridge and it helps give me the strength to keep going!! I don't want to get back to that point again!! I didn't like how I felt or how I looked.

Keep going Sis!! We're gonna make it!!

TO BECOME said...

Thank you so much Sis.Julie. I needed that encouragement today. It went a long way.

Yes, we will make it. I don't want to go back from where the Lord has brought me from either. God bless and keep you. connie